2017 Conservation Grant Schemes
February 16, 2017
It’s that time of year again, and fortunately both the Irish Georgian Society and the Department of the Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs have approved funding for grant schemes to assist in the conservation and repair of Protected Structures, buildings within Architectural Conservation Areas and/or other buildings of importance. The first round of applications for the Irish Georgian Society grant scheme are due on 24th February. Applications for the DoAHRRGA’s 2017 Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the 2017 Structures at Risk scheme are due on 28th February.
Each grant scheme is geared toward different types of building repairs, and may include roof, structural, window or other repairs integral to conserving the envelope of the building, or may also pertain to the repair of significant decorative features.
The DoAHRRGA grants are being offered nationwide, and more information about the types of works that may be covered under the scheme can be found on your local authority’s website under the Planning or Conservation section. For Dublin City, please follow this link. The Irish Georgian Society grant scheme is also offered throughout the country; more information can be found here.
If you would like advice on your project and input on whether a strong application can be made, please contact Sunni at your earliest convenience. Applications require a reasonable amount of information, including cost estimates, tax clearance details, photographic surveys and conservation method statements, and will take time to compile. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain support in caring for your historic building!
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