Full Steam Ahead at Ormond Quay - Sunni L Goodson


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Full Steam Ahead at Ormond Quay

October 5, 2016

It has been all-systems-go at Ormond Quay over the last several weeks. 20161004_144208Major headway has been made since the end of August, including repair of the Toilet Room roof with salvaged Blue Bangor slates, and we are nearing completion in about a month’s time.  As expected of many historic buildings, opening-up works revealed some additional structural damage in the form of wet rot to timber beams, as well as insufficient structural integration of the front facade to the party wall.

Timber beams above the steel RSJ to the rear of the ground floor were subject to rot.  20160811_190054The damage was caused by a faulty downpipe that was allowing water to saturate the rear facade just above the level of the ceiling. After addressing the downpipe, the beams were propped, incrementally repaired and re-supported with masonry to address the insufficient support provided by the timber, the RSJ was reinforced, and the joists’ connection to the downstand was supported through the use of joist hangers. Timber noggins were also introduced to prevent the joists from twisting.20161004_142932

Steel straps are to tie the front facade to the party wall where cracking was found, and will be bedded within the depth of the plaster finish so as to be visually concealed. Carefully-considered Provisional Sums for unforeseen structural repairs included in the Tender documentation have accounted for the majority of these works.

All principal service works and other first-fix works are nearly complete, including new plinths for cold water storage tanks and ventilation for the Undercroft. Various fire-separation interventions are also being carried out within the floor structures this week. 20161004_142529Lamatherm insulation will be inserted between the joists from above, over the entry hallway, by carefully lifting historic floorboards in order to avoid damaging the decorative plaster ceiling below. In other locations, Isover roll insulation, which also has some acoustic insulating properties, will be introduced between joists from below where historic ceiling plaster has sadly been lost previously. The potential treatment options for the historic staircase will soon be finalised. Skim plastering will also be followed by second fix carpentry, the final fit-out and finishes.  Works are set to be complete in early November.

Watch this space for updates and to see the final transformation of this interesting Protected Structure.

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